Please wait while the trainer catches the necessary information.
This can take up to 2 minutes.
• MD5 hash Anno1800.exe ...determined
• Fileversion 16.48919.0.56469 ...determined
• Productversion ...error
••• Necessary data collected with errors...
succsessfully created in
Please send me the 'Anno1800_debug_26-04-2022_02-01-35.hog'
Please wait while the trainer catches the necessary information.
This can take up to 2 minutes.
• MD5 hash Anno1800.exe ...determined
• Fileversion 16.48919.0.56469 ...determined
• Productversion ...error
••• Necessary data collected with errors...
succsessfully created in
Please send me the 'Anno1800_debug_26-04-2022_02-01-35.hog'